Footer and layout position does not work on published site


As I’m reviewing my portfolio’s project page, I found that the footer and ‘other project’ section sometimes do not stay at the bottom of the page as they’re supposed to (pictured below).

How this should look – ‘other project’ + footer displayed after content

How it is shown on some browsers – ‘other project’ + footer displayed INSIDE content

I found it happens especially when I’m viewing the project ‘Foodo/donation made easy’ on iPad or sometimes on a large monitor.

I’ve tried to further separate the sections using div block but it doesn’t seem to work. Would love to get some help on how to fix this. Thank you in advance!

Relevant links:

[1]: Published project page: Hsinyi Hsieh - Food Donation Made Easy
[2]: Read only link: Webflow - Hsinyi Hsieh's Portfolio