Flip card gallery using CMS Collection Data

I’m new to Webflow, but try as I might I can’t find an easy-to-understand, step-by-step way of creating a gallery (employee photos and data stored in a CMS Collection) that, when a user hovers their mouse over the photo (a flip card), the photo flips revealing contact information for the employee.

There are plenty of galleries out there with flip cards, but without a complete send of instructions I don’t know how to get to the final result; just looking at the final product keeps me guessing.

TIA for your replies and help.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

hi @rstuart here is one video that may help you

Hi, Stan:

I think you have me confused with someone else–your link had to do with 100VH and mobile issues.


hi @rstuart I did by mistake and I’m sorry for this as I was responding to several requests at the same time but I have deleted this wrong response immediately (but I can’t delete email) and I have replaced it with correct response to your request (please watch video I have add as is related to flipping card ). I’m very sorry if current hopefully correct response to your request in WF forum is not you are looking for.

Have a great day

hi @rstuart do you need further help with your request?

Yes, please, I’d like some additional help.

HI @rstuart so you didn’t get how to from video? So how else I can help to point you right direction?

That’s just the problem–I’ve scoured (the best as I can) the Web for a how-to on how to set up a collection gallery where each image is a flip card, but I haven’t been able to find one. I’ve found a few that don’t involve collections, but I haven’t been able to transfer that toward a collection (gallery) to make it work.

hi @rstuart there are two different things. All you have to do is:

  1. pull data from CMS collection
  2. create from these data flip-card (follow video instruction )

What else you need to know?

Well, for example: Do I need to put CMS-imported fields (for the front of the card and the back) in Div Blocks? It looks like I’m supposed to do that but I hosed the display of the gallery that way.

hi @rstuart you are a developer, so you should to have an idea how to structure your HTML as structurer is IMO important to get results you wish to achieve.
As I see that you are still struggle with creation of flipping card here is simple video. It is NOT step by step but is clear enough to give you an idea how to

Thanks again. I’m hard of hearing, so it’s difficult to understand the narrator, but at 3:27 I can’t understand what he’s inserting: a Div Block or a Container?

Screen Shot 2021-09-26 at 01.07.49 PM

Here’s my Navigator so far:

Screen Shot 2021-09-26 at 01.09.24 PM


hi @rstuart inside card__c I’m creating everything with div □ elements only
(video is made by me for you) :wink: