Filter a map with CMS item


I use Finsweet filter & load with my CMS database, it allows me to only show stores specific to our audience needs. This page also provide a maps (using google maps api) to show markers.

However, I have some issues with my map:

  • it only shows items from the first page, I would like to show all markers
  • when a user uses my filter, the map doesn’t refresh and still display the same stores than previously, it doesn’t take into consideration the search

Do you have any ideas or tips on how I could solve that?
Ideally, my needs are even bigger but let’s start with that haha! But the end goal is to have something similar to this website.

I am willing to use other tools if needed (like Mapbox), but would like to stay cautious with my budget. Thanks a lot for your help!

Here is my site Read-Only: link
My current website

Hey @alexis_dutoya! I’m not sure it meets your needs, but I’d recommend checking out Jetboost’s CMS map integration.

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I like code so I would build this custom, and use FS Filter.

However if that’s not you, the Jetboost solution @blakelam suggested is the direction I’d recommend. Problem is you’ll likely need to replace the filter as well, but it’s a nice setup, check out their demos in Made in Webflow.