FAQ Dropdown Menu Not Responsive On Mobile


So I’ve already found some older forum posts having this same issue - but I figured maybe there is some new info with the passing of time, any help would be much appreciated!

So I needed to create an FAQ page with collapsable dropdown sections for each question, I found a Webflow tutorial using their dropdown element to create an accordion menu which looked like the perfect solution. It was easy to follow and everything worked great for the desktop version, but when I went through to check on mobile I realised that the dropdown toggle/the questions weren’t responsively changing to the size change - the longer questions run off the screen.

From what I now understand this was not the best way to do this, but as it is already built I am hoping there is some kind of fix that will make this work as intended for mobile. If not, I would really appreciate some direction/resources on how to make the same thing but with mobile functionality.

Thank you!!

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK][1]
([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])

[1]: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/splores-supercool-site?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=splores-supercool-site&preview=fd7a3d92533b31d0e230aa194052870d&pageId=6261d790bac243210ea64da6&workflow=preview)
[2]: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

Hi - Perhaps check out the Webflow Custom Accordion Tutorial tutorial on Youtube. I believe there is a newer version of this tutorial, but this particular video explains how to easily set-up an accordion. Hope it helps!