I was quite surprised (and frustrated) when I exported my first site from webflow and saw that it looked very different from the one I had just been editing.
I found this old topic that hinted to the problem:
Exported site CSS doesn’t behave as the published site
but could not add a simpler solution because the forum topic has been closed. So I’m adding it here for future reference in case anyone else needs it
the problem is not in the CSS. it’s in the html file exported by webflow.
and imho this is a bug
This is how it appears in google chrome dev tools if you do “edit as html”
you will see the exported editor littered with a weird character (a red dot here) and spacing between tags
and this is how it appears in VS Code: littered with a weird (?) character in between the tags
to delete the extra spacing you can
1 - minify the file with HTML Minifier - Minify HTML and any CSS or JS included in your markup
this will delete the spacing and artifacts created by the exporter
2 - re-format to make it readable with Free Online HTML Formatter - FreeFormatter.com
this will make it readable once again - without the nasty formatting
if you find a way to do it directly in an editor like VSCode please let me know as the extensions I tried didn’t quite work…neither did searching and replacing
now the question is:
why can’t webflow directly export it corrected…without the bug?
hope this helps you improve your product