Exclude a page from Facebook Pixel


I have a Facebook Pixel installed via custom code, I know there is another way but it works. What I need is to exclude a certain page of the website from Facebook Pxiel.

This is the code:

<!-- Facebook Pixel Code -->
  s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script',
  fbq('init', '304631076745344');
  fbq('track', 'PageView');
<noscript><img height="1" width="1" style="display:none"
<!-- End Facebook Pixel Code -->

It is possible?

Thank you!

IF you are loading this code in the project settings it applies to all pages. The alternative is to load only in page settings.

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I thought about that, but was thinking it could lead to more trouble if I put the code on each page head. It would not affect the website in a negative way?

No. Actually it would be no different than how it is now, just harder to maintain if you made a change.

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Thank you, I will use this solution, the website is not that big and the Facebook Pixel it does not change very often.