Event archived after date automatically

I have event’s lined up for a touring pop up restaurant. I have created a CMS with all the locations and dates but I want them to be archived AFTER the date has passed automatically. Is there a way to do this? If so how?

ALSO, is it possible that when the date changes to TODAY when it becomes the current date?

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

You should be able to add a filter to your collection list to only show dates for today and in the future.


Let me know if this works for you :slight_smile:

This doesn’t seem to work for me. When I put publish from today to… I put in the days in the future and it disappears, not sure what i’m doing wrong.

Ideally I would like to be able to set this up so that my client can input the dates and the event will archive automatically after that date. Is this possible?

@Andres_Soler Can you please post your Read-Only Link and I can try and take a look for you?