Email submission submit button not working

Hello all,

I created a email submission form and connected it to a logic. However, when entering data on the site, the submit button didn’t work and didn’t show me the Thank-You message.

I’ve successfully created a contact form and the submit button works. Not sure why this one doesn’t work.

Thank you all for your help!

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK](Webflow - Priceloop Website (Final version))

Here is my site: Amazon FBA Blog: Industry Insights & News | Priceloop
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

You need this guy over here.
Form submit buttons are a separate element from regular buttons.

You can tell the difference if you select the button in your form and check the element’s settings, there will be a Submit Button settings section above custom attributes.

Ahha!!! Thought they are the same!
Thank you sooooo much once again for your help, @memetican !!!

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