Editing elements within a form

Hello :slight_smile:

I am designing a form on my site at the moment. Once the editable boxes have been clicked on the stroke/outline of the boxes all turn dark blue. They switch back to grey once another box is clicked on. This must be a default setting? Where can I change the “click on” colour of the stroke of the box? I know where to change the hover over colour in the styles panel which I have already done, but it is the stroke of the box that I want to change.

Any advice on this would be great!


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

This it the border color on the focus state. You can select the focus state from the same menu that you select the hover state. :slightly_smiling:
Hope that helps.


A simple solution! Thanks a million @AlexN :relaxed:

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