Edit Hover Image

Bought a template and I am trying to edit the hover image. I can change the image icon, but do not know how to change the hover image

Any help is appreciated for this noob

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @helpmepls,

Welcome to the forum! I’m happy to look into this one for you.

Could you please provide a read-only link to your project!


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Hi @mww!

It would be on page - Home 4.

Thanks again for your help!


Hi @helpmepls,

Thanks for sending that through!

You can change this image within the ‘Info Block Content’ under Backgrounds:

Hope that helps!

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Hi @mww,

I tried that and the background image is still the same…

Sorry @helpmepls - let me have another look. Looks like you may have changed project name or removed read only link, would you be able to send through again?

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sorry about that, i was seeing if i can invite you to edit, but that requires a plan



Sorry, this image can be found in the ‘Hover’ state of Info Block Content:

Let me know if you’re having any issues updating it!


LFG! It worked!!!

THANK YOU @mww!!

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trying to DM you, but not sure if youre receiving it.

let me know how i can repay for your help and time. i can send a tip via venmo or send you starbucks, thank you again!

DM’d you back - no prob, I appreciated your quick replies and testing to help get to the bottom of this!