Hey Guys,
I’m working on a relaunch for our little jewellery workshop. This is my first website at all, and so far searching the forums helped me with any problem I had. Thanks for that!
I would really appreciate your help now with two issues I’m stuck with at the moment:
There is a grid of thumbnails that link to the Cycle2-Slider. Both grid and slider are dynamic.
1. The thumbnails are not linking to the associated slide, instead the slideshow always starts with the first item in the list.
How could I fix that?
2. I’d like to have the single slides bookmarkable for social linking
This: Cycle2 Bookmarkable Slides
should be what I need for issue 2, but as I’m no coder at all, I did not get how to implement that in webflow.
And could this also be helpful with Issue 1?
I also found this at stackoverflow: javascript - jQuery Cycle Slideshow Startingslide - Stack Overflow
The OP has exactly the same question, and the answer points to Cycle2, but as above I have no idea what to do…
Here is my read-only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/quintin-nels-spectacular-site?preview=525106250b93e448f1a239aa1e99d4e9
(The grid is on the Collections Template
The Slider is on the Gallery Items Template)
Published: http://quintin-nels-spectacular-site.webflow.io/collections/waterworld
(Choose any thumbnail to get to the slider)
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance,