Has anyone ever come up with a solution for a dynamic calendar in Webflow? I need a solution for an approvals system for a public facing calendar. Essentially how it work is a person books in their own event (event name, graphic, date, time), this is uploaded via Webflow (or some other 3rd party) and this then has to be approved by the website owner. Once this occurs it is then automatically displayed on a calendar listing on the website . My guess is Calendly or one of those would have this functionality. Have you any ideas around this? or does it sound very bespoke?
Calendly is good for bookings, not for event management.
You’re building something custom here. If it’s very simple ( one date per event, simple event profiles, submit-only ), you can build it using Webflow + Javascript + an automation platform like Make creating the CMS records through the API.
If you need user accounts so that people can edit and update their events, you’re in app territory. Wized + Xano could work for you here.
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