Dynamic Bar Chart in Webflow (no third party scripts)

Hi guys,

A little experiment with dynamic embeds, I made bar chart using Webflow only.

The entire ‘bar chart’ UI is made with Webflow.
I simply copied the html code snippet Webflow generates and turned it into a dynamic embed. :smiley:

Check it out here: https://webflow.com/website/bar-chart
Live: http://bar-chart.webflow.io/chart/demo-bar-chart

Let me now what you think!

How many more awesome Webflow experiments do you have left? Another awesome unique thing made in Webflow. Great job! :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

@VladimirVitaliyevich Haha thanks man! Yeah I just love to experiment in Webflow, endless. possibilities. :blue_heart:

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Hi @SidneyOttelohe – hows things? I’m looking into options for creating charts and graphs etc on a webflow site, I’d be interesting in seeing what you did here but the links are not working anymore – are they still available? Thanks :slight_smile: