Dynamic Background Color and Checkboxes


I’m trying to add a dynamic background color to a custom checkbox when clicked it should display the corresponding color shown on the CMS but for some reason it’s not working.

Here it is when it’s checked…


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Did you ever figure this out? I’m trying to do this as well.

I needed to achieve the same and had to use custom code. It is not perfect, but it worked for what I needed.

I will explain what I did.

  1. I added the corresponding HEX colour into the collection as Plain Text (as well as the colour one). Let’s say I called it checkbox-colour

  2. Then, inside the collection where the checkboxes are displayed, I added a text element and pulled the content from that field checkbox-colour and hid the element.

  3. I put the following code in the

//this function will take the colour and add an opacity
function hoverColor(element){
    let color = element.find('.your-checkbox__colour').text();   
    let rgbaCol = 'rgba(' + parseInt(color.slice(-6,-4),16)
    + ',' + parseInt(color.slice(-4,-2),16)
    + ',' + parseInt(color.slice(-2),16)

    return rgbaCol; 

//this other function will set the background colour of the element you need to style. 
  function checkboxChecked(element){
    let color = element.siblings('.your-checkbox__colour').css("color");
    element.siblings('.your-checkbox__checkbox').css('background-color',  color );
    //console.log('checked. Color = ' + color);
  1. I put the following code
// define reusable functions
function getCheckboxColor(el) {
  return el.find('.your-checkbox__colour').text();

function setCheckboxBackgroundColor(el, color) {
  el.find('.your-checkbox__checkbox').css('background-color', color);

function setCheckboxTextColor(el, color) {
  el.find('.your-checkbox__checkbox').css('color', color);

// handle checkbox changes
$('input[type="checkbox"]').change(function() {
  var checkbox = $(this),
      checkboxWrapper = checkbox.closest('.w-checkbox.your_checkbox_parent_element'),
      isChecked = checkbox.prop('checked'),
      checkboxColor = getCheckboxColor(checkboxWrapper);

  if (isChecked) {
    setCheckboxBackgroundColor(checkboxWrapper, checkboxColor);
    setCheckboxTextColor(checkboxWrapper, 'white');
  } else {
    setCheckboxBackgroundColor(checkboxWrapper, 'transparent');
    setCheckboxTextColor(checkboxWrapper, '#969696');

// handle mouseenter and mouseleave events
$('.w-checkbox.your_checkbox_parent_element').on('mouseenter', function(event) {
  var checkboxWrapper = $(this),
      checkbox = checkboxWrapper.find('input[type="checkbox"]'),
      isChecked = checkbox.prop('checked'),
      checkboxColor = getCheckboxColor(checkboxWrapper),
      backgroundColor = isChecked ? checkboxColor : hoverColor(checkboxWrapper);

  setCheckboxBackgroundColor(checkboxWrapper, backgroundColor);

  if (isChecked) {
    setCheckboxTextColor(checkboxWrapper, 'white');
  } else {
    setCheckboxTextColor(checkboxWrapper, '#969696');

$('.w-checkbox.your_checkbox_parent_element').on('mouseleave', function(event) {
  var checkboxWrapper = $(this),
      checkbox = checkboxWrapper.find('input[type="checkbox"]'),
      isChecked = checkbox.prop('checked'),
      checkboxColor = getCheckboxColor(checkboxWrapper),
      backgroundColor = isChecked ? checkboxColor : 'transparent';

  setCheckboxBackgroundColor(checkboxWrapper, backgroundColor);

  if (isChecked) {
    setCheckboxTextColor(checkboxWrapper, 'white');
  } else {
    setCheckboxTextColor(checkboxWrapper, '#969696');

To make it work, you have to match the classes accordingly to your project.
This code can for sure be refactored and presented in a better way. But is the solution I got for now.
