I got a lot of menu dropdown functions on my site. They are used to display texts and technical specs (like a normal hide/show function). The problem is that if I klick anywhere outside the dropdown it automatically collapses.
That makes it very hard to use. I know that I can create a Interaction to hide/show a div on click. The problem is that when I got 20 dropdown on a page, to give all divs a separate ID, and create a separate Interaction its just gets very messy and time consuming.
I like the dropdown function. Is there a small custom code I can embed to force the dropdown to stay open until I click on the actual dropdown…
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Its just a basic dropdown straight from the Webflow system.
But natively the dropdown always close if you click anywhere outside the dropdown. I would it to stay open until the second click on the dropdown. Any ideas?
If you create a show hide interaction for a div and nest the button and div inside a wrapper you can create one interaction for all of them and just limit it to siblings. This is how I have done modals using the cms where they are all generated automatically.
Modals may also be a way for you to display this type of content depending on your needs.