Dropdown as accordion - Broken text

I used dropdown components to build an accordion because I need each dropdown to close when another is open. The problem is my dropdown text is a bit long so the text gets cut off on tablet and mobile.
I’d like the text to break in several lines, as many as needed, and the dropdown to resize accordingly.


Any help is appreciated!
Here’s my public link: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/mept-trabalho?preview=8d3391122c0c774e66300843e2e3cba5

Add this snippet to custom code area

     .w-dropdown-toggle {
        white-space: normal;

It should help


Thank you @sabanna!
Can’t see any change inside the editor but works perfectly on published site.

For be able to see changes in the Designer mode you can add the same code in the embed widget.
Maybe now this trick makes no sense but in the future may be useful :wink:

Didn’t know that! Thanks :smile:

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