I have category A,B and C. This is a Dynamic Collection. I have another collection with post and collection 1A, 2B, 3C.
I want to display a collection list of categories, and all the posts that has this category. But I am unable to nest a list inside the category, since the category doesn’t have multi-reference field.
I followed the tutorial only to realise it is backwards from what i am looking for.
This script gives you the option of assigning multiple references to one post (ie. A post had six categories). I am looking for the reverse.
One category has five posts.
ie. ‘This is a article’ has a single category: NEWS.
I want a front page with all categories displayed, and below each category is a list of all articles with category: NEWS.
One can say that I want whatever is inside the category CMS page. But I don’t want users to need to click a category before seeing all posts in that category.