Disable scroll vs. lenis smooth scrolling

HI all,

currently working on a project where I implemented Lenis smooth scrolling script. Now I also have a Menu, which once opened needs to set body to disable-scroll. Unfortunatley it seems not to work with finsweet no-scroll attributes.

Who has a solution for this?



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Hey, I run into the same problem and added the following code :

// To keep track of whether Lenis is paused or started
let isPaused = false;

// Add event listener for elements with class ‘.nav_button’
document.querySelectorAll(‘.nav_button’).forEach(button => {
button.addEventListener(‘click’, () => {
if (isPaused) {
lenis.start(); // Resume smooth scrolling
isPaused = false;
} else {
lenis.stop(); // Pause smooth scrolling
isPaused = true;