Deleted page showing up on published site

I needed to create a page that included a webinar video hosted elsewhere. The regular webinar page wouldn’t work because the video was protected at the source. I opted to create a page that linked out to the video’s host site (Vimeo). In the process I created a test page ( and then deleted it from the CMS after arriving at a solution using a different page. However, the test page is still showing up on the website. Because it is the most recent post in its category, it is showing up in a promo section of the home page and the category page (blog-categories/webinars). How do I stop it from showing up on the site?

Here is my public share link:

Hey @webmastert , if the page was deleted, you should be good to go. What you are seeing could be due to your cache within your browser.

Would you mine sharing the publish link so I can verify if I see the deleted collection entry on my end?

After publishing the entire site, the “zombie” page that was previously deleted in the CMS was cleared and no longer appeared on the website. By “publishing the entire site” I mean publishing a new page at which point the Publish option included the new page and “unpublished changes”. It would be nice if Webflow documentation offered a clear explanation of the process for deleting pages, as this seems to be an issue that has plagued many other users. On a similar note, it would also be nice if there was a clear, consistent way to preview page in draft mode so publishing test pages wasn’t necessary. I’ve seen posts that say it can’t be done and a few that say it can, but the link for doing so doesn’t appear as described. I’ve worked with many, many web publishing and content management systems, from some of the original powerhouses like Vignette to open source like Wordpress, Joomla, and Drupal. So far, Webflow feels like working with an arm tied behind my back.

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