Custom Side-nav Responsive help

Hi all,

im building a custom sidenav bar, the desktop and ipad are working how i want them to.

on mobile i want to hide the content , similar to how the “Navigation” available in the webflow library

Here is my site Read-Only:

can anyone help?

As it’s a Symbol you just want to drag it into a div block first. And then you can set the divblock to not be visible on mobile

Hope that helps

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thanks russell,

with your help, i am able to hide the div block.

i was hoping , to be able to open and close the navigation , like a hamburger menu would.

do you have any suggestions to tackle that?

thank you again

Glad I could be of help.

I’d recommend having a play with interactions 2, and get yourself familiar with all the different options. Webflow has excellent short tutorial videos on these & they are fun to practice/learn

You could start with this one (and instead of ‘Show lyrics’ it would be your hamburger icon): Show & Hide Elements on Click - Webflow interactions and animations tutorial - YouTube

And then specifically for a sidebar menu like that - I think an Out Quint 0.5s transition could be nice for the movement

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