Custom code to download a file to the Submit button

Hello, I have a file stored on Google Drive.
Then I have a Submit button within my Form in Webflow. I would like users both see the Success message and the download of the file started simultaneously. Therefore I can’t use redirect link within the form.

I could give the form button an ID. For example I give the ID to the button that is ‘download

In this case how should the code to download the file look like in the Webflow’s custom code area?

Does it have something to do with ahref? Or should this be something with javascript onclick?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Try this

	$( "#IDofSubmitButton" ).click(function() {
  $( "#IDofLinkWithAttachment" )[0].click();

just change these IDs

image (1)
And make this structure