Custom build drop down menu isn't responsive?

Hi Webflow community,

Hope that you can help me out with the following situation:
I designed 2 different drop down menus for desktop and mobile, but when I am resizing the mobile version the drop down will not fill the entire page and the text isn’t centered anymore.
To make this I used the following tutorial:

Maybe it isn’t working because I used grid?
I saw somewhere on the forum you shouldn’t use absolute when you don’t know what your’e doing (I think I am in that category)

Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix this problem?

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - studiowm

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Using Flexbox for that device fixes it.

Thanks Vincent for the quick reply!
I adjusted like you describe above, but following problem still exists.
It seems I set somewhere a curtain width, but I am not aware of this.

Did anyone find a solution for this?

i have almost the same problem, I have created a page with custom dropdown menus, and I also used this tutorial (Custom dropdown menu - Webflow interactions & animations tutorial - YouTube) for it. My custom dropdown menu consists of three div blocks, a dropdown trigger, and the dropdown content, both of which are located in a dropdown wrapper. The dropdown menu opens and closes as intended, but the problem is that the content inside the content box is not responsive. Why is the content not adjusting to the size of its parent(dropdown wrapper)? I cannot figure out where the error is and I need help, please.