Something similair is asked here, here, here, here and now here,
Almost figured it out, almost
Created a list from CSS, in the same DIV (as a sibling) put some other content from list.
Used IX on click with simple: 1stClick:Hide(initial)/Show & 2ndClick:Hide on the div inside the collection div like suggested in threads linked above…
It works, but problem is, the info doesn’t close when something else is clicked. I tried cheating with a white background, but it seems that the list has some Z ranking. Items at the top are underneath items at the bottom of the list (if that makes sense)
So think I’m missing a trigger that hides all info when something else is clicked, is that possible?
The answer to this is always the same, for an IX of that kind the strategy is the following:
On click, there’s a first step that is hiding all the content blocks by targetting the class with no limit. Then an action that’s showing the current block by targetting the class and limiting to children.
What i still can’t get my head around…
Do I need 2 different IX on click for the same div link?
Or is it possible to target both the entire class and just sibling with 2 different actions in 1 interaction?
Yes… but you got to outsmart the system
Create 2 dummy divs, give one class to one, the other class to the other. Then when you setup your IX actions, use them. The IX engine will consider them as separate elements and you should be able to set them differently regarding the sibling limit. I’m almost 100% sure I have this working somewhere. And I think you can delete the dummy divs afterwards.
co-incidently I made a different project last week with something similar and had to back track how it works… Here is a simple example, where the button appears when the link is clicked and it hides all other buttons