± the idea. By its really easier to solve this by embed code (Also for CMS pages - it will be very hard to solve this without embed or custom json-ld).
But if you insist (Nice way to learn schema but tidy & not DRY for large sites):
Create list (ol):
Add this att for the list:
List item {
— Attributes for the li
— Add link:
------ Attributes for the link
— Add span (Select the link (click twice) and “add span”)
webflow tree:
Add attr for the span:
No way
to add the meta inside webflow list (Maybe google will recognize the path anyway).
<meta itemprop="position" content="1" />
The divider:
About the divider - do not use this as >
(As live text) (Its not part of the link). For each list item add extra left padding and use icon as svg-arrow background image
Add combo class for the last item (remove the BG image and left padding)
Related forum Q:
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