Cover photo top of page size for HIDPI


I am currently trying to find the exact cover photo size (first image top of website) for a sharper image at HIDPI and am having trouble finding what it is for the desktop version. Does anyone know this is in pixels?

There is a slider and image set as a background image for the slide

Hope it helps.


Two things:

  1. This depends on what screens you’re designing for. There’s no set resolution for larger screens as it can vary from device to device. For instance, someone who goes fullscreen on your site on a 27" iMac with Retina Display will need a width of over 5,000px to prevent scaling up. 5,472px (the width on your BSP_2530.jpg) image is probably a bit extreme. If you scale it proportionally so the width is, say, 2,500px or 3,000px, it’ll still look great.

  2. Your design is AWESOME. I mean absolutely, thoroughly awesome. It’s beautiful. My one note would be that the menu on the top-right, while beautiful, is almost completely unusable. Users need to have an instant sense of where they are and where they can go, and absolutely no one is going to hover over each of those dots to explore each and every possibility. There’s a ton of UX data out there that backs this up, and it’s certainly worth preventing the headache early on as opposed to trying and fix it when the analytics show it’s a much larger problem down the road.

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