Container Height either too high or too small

Hi, basic problem, I want to resolve before I get too far down the road with a wrong approach.

I want to structure the main area with sections/containers, but the first one is much taller than the content (divs) and teh second one is much smaller than the content.

Should I use an other element?

Thanks, guys!

Hey @wolfg4ng could you please post some screen shots showing the behavior you’re seeing right now, vs the behavior you would like to see? :smiley:

Thanks in advance!

I just want the next section (which is a div) come closer to the first one.
Might this be because I am using bigger images I scale down?


to overlap the headline with the image I used z-index, plus I had the “float” setting to “left” for the headline div, which made the div much taller than needed. I removed the “float left” setting and voila it works.

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