(Nils Heinemann)
March 11, 2019, 8:38pm
Hi everyone!
I want to hide a slide inside of a slider, when the CMS image in it is not set. I think it´s a pretty simple thought… but unfortunately it doesn´t work. Any ideas why?
(You can find the page at: CMS Collection Pages → Produkte Template )
Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link )
(Donald Sv)
March 11, 2019, 8:49pm
Hi @Nilson
It’s not currently possible to create dynamic sliders natively in Webflow but this topic might help:
Hey Guys,
I recently stumbled upon this super simple way to create a dynamic slider in Webflow, I’ve seen it on quite some peoples wishlist so I made a small tutorial how to do just that!
The Slider demo on this page requires zero code. The slideshows are completely driven by markup.
All that is needed is to include jQuery and the Cycle2 plugin using script tags.
Here you go:
(note that it doesn’t work in the preview you have to check the published link)
(Nils Heinemann)
March 11, 2019, 8:53pm
Great thank you for the fast reply!
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