Component doesn't show new variants in localization

I’ve created a symbol with variants. It displays the 4 first variants I made for it on the secondary locale, but no more than that for some reason. I tried reorganizing them but the new ones still won’t show up.

Is this a hard-set limit, or a bug? Anyone know if there’s a way around this?

Update: I also noticed some properties for styles do not carry over to the secondary locale. The background on the nav cta for example, is white on main locale (ES) and salmon on secondary locale (EN), even though I see no overrides.

Thanks everyone. I am otherwise loving localization and component variants.

Read-only link

Hey Yaco,

I saw a mention of this in another forum I’m in, so variants might have a localization conflict- if so, Webflow’s devs are aware of it, but it wouldn’t hurt to put in a support ticket as well to give it priority.

That said, it’s possible your component is just “frozen” in its localized state- you might just want to;

  • Switch to your locale
  • In the left nav, de-localize your component, by reverting it
  • Then re-localize it to capture the updated structure

Hey Memetican, thank you.
Good to know it’s a bug.

I did not find how to delocalize it! I did try resetting all locale settings in the right-click options, but that didn’t help either.

I tried creating a new symbol, with all variants already there. Just the name, not the actual styles. To see if they all got saved correctly, and that worked, although it took a couple tries.

I’ll post a ticket about it as well, once we’ve launched, and make a copy of this page with the bug still intact.