Codepen to Webflow HTML, CSS, JS

Is it possible to apply this effect to a section of a Webflow site?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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It should be as Webflow allows for custom code. You really should looking at since that is the new version. It’s a commercial product so you need a license.

Thanks for taking the time to respond to me @webdev. I’m happy to purchase the product. Do you have interest and availability to help me get it working on a Webflow page? I have basic (advanced basic) knowledge of how things work on Webflow so hoping someone can either give me instructions or show me how to use and re-use this js on other Webflow projects.

I understand how to make a section, how to add an html embedded and how to apply a class to these things, as well as minimal understanding of where to copy/past css and js w and code but I find myself lost in trying to make sense of this specific js.

Would greatly appreciate assistance. Thanks again for the time.