Code shows in only one CMS collection item

Hi guys, I received great help from @anthonysalamin with creating a difference in today’s date and published date. However result shows up for just one collection item, instead of the entire collection items. I understand i need to create a For Loop javascript for it to work. My javascript is next to zero and need help with this.

Below is the screen shot of the current situation and link to the preview site: Webflow - ghlpropertyservices

The exact page is the All-Properties page

A script is running targeting an ID which is not unique. Your approach is not going to work as it is.

I suggest hiring a freelancer if coding is not your thing.

Are you available for hire and how much?

@webdev is right, if you wanted to target several CMS items you could have used classes instead of my initial id idea :slight_smile:

Here is the depedency free snipet I had in mind which involves a bit more javascript gymnastic than other libraries available out there but therefore also highly customizable since you can define the formatting yourself.

Pure vanilla JavaScript

 * Time from now
 * dependency free 🍉

(function timeFromNow() {
  // 🧠 helpers
  const oneDay = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // in milliseconds

  // 🧠 get current date
  const now = new Date(),
    Fullyear = now.getFullYear(),
    month = now.getMonth() + 1,
    day = now.getDate(),
    currentDate = new Date(Fullyear, month, day);

  const wrappers = document.getElementsByClassName("featured-content-block");
  for (let i = 0; i < wrappers.length; i++) {
    let wrapper = wrappers[i];

    // 🧠 get published date (YY/MM/DD)
    let published = wrapper.querySelector(".published"),
      stringDate = published.innerHTML,
      arrayDate = stringDate.split("/"),
      publishedDate = new Date(arrayDate[0], arrayDate[1], arrayDate[2]);

    // 🧠 get date difference in days
    let diffDays = Math.round(Math.abs((publishedDate - currentDate) / oneDay));

    // 🧠 handle formatting
    let year, plural, elapsedTime;
    if (diffDays == 0) {
      elapsedTime = `Today 🔥`;
    } else if (diffDays == 1) {
      elapsedTime = `Yesterday`;
    } else if (diffDays < 365) {
      elapsedTime = `${diffDays} days ago`;
    } else {
      year = Math.round(diffDays / 365);
      if (year == 1) {
        plural = "year";
      } else {
        plural = "years";
      elapsedTime = `${year} ${plural} ago`;

    // 🧠 inject value back into HTML layout
    let elapsed = wrapper.querySelector(".elapsed");
    elapsed.innerHTML = elapsedTime;

Thanks for sharing that Anthony. I ended up assisting him and leveraged moment.js as it automatically writes stings using the fromNow() function.

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Ho great ! Haven’t heard about moment.js ! Sounds intersting, will have a look !
Probably much less needed code than what I just shared :sweat_smile:
The native vanilla javascript way to get a date is kind of an overkill I must say !

Here is the code …

<script src=""></script>
"use strict";

$(document).ready(function () {
  var publishedDate = ".pub-date";
  var displayDate = ".display-date";
  $(publishedDate).each(function (i, e) {
    /*  @webdev - Jeff S.
    *   grab the text published date (hidden) value
    *   check it then convert it to a moment, 
    *   get difference from today
    *   then put it in the .display-date element. 
    var p = $(e).text();
    var a = $(e).next(displayDate);

    if (moment(p).isValid()) {
      var m = moment(p);
      var s = moment(m).fromNow();
      a.text("Listed " + s);

Note that in this case, the element that gets the new value is the first sibling as referenced by .next().


Thanks !! Efficient indeed :slight_smile:
I’m on the moment.js homepage at the moment, will definitely use it more often, thanks for sharing !

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