I am having trouble with my link blocks under CMS collection grid. I have set a background image on the collection list item element and then placed a link block and text that corresponds to each page. These are working fine on my computers but whenever I use my iPad or iPhone they do not work.
The page with the problem: Case studies
Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)
Hey Myles,
I took a look at your site and was able to recreate this issue on my iPhone.
I wonder if it has something to do with the interaction for each link block? Currently you have the hover in/hover out on at each breakpoint. I have personally had issues with hover effects on link blocks translating to touchscreen devices — the input is confused and “blocks” the link block.
Try disabling the interaction on tablet and mobile, let me know if that’s the culprit!
Yeah I turned off the interaction and it worked thank you colin. As soon as you said that I knew it was the cause.
Yahoo! Glad to hear that was the fix.
If you’d be so kind to mark that as the solution, it may help others who come across the same issue.
Have a great day!