CMS issue with pop-up

Hi all!

I have the following issue - I’m building out a team page for a client with a read more button to a pop up modal - all CMS is all fine, but the modal keeps getting bound by the CMS box instead of the body, eventhough in the designer it is set to fixed - full screen - relative to body. I tried to either put it as a single CMS collection or each team card as a new CMS list - the issue exists in both…

Here is my public share link: Webflow - BlueGreen Water Technologies
([how to access public share link][2])

Live page:

@orangeeclipse You need to remove the scroll in animation from container-m team-grid element.

You move it with initial interaction and position gets switched which is why you are getting that issue. You can either do that or move the element elsewhere so it’s not influenced by the moving of parent

Hero! Thank you so much! :slight_smile: