CMS Blog body content hyperlink

Does anyone know why the text formatting gets messed up when I hyperlink them in my blog body content?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Right now it’s inheriting the global styles for links.

You’d need to style the link within the Rich Text element in order to fix that.

Let me know if you need details on how to do that.

Thank you so much! It would be much appreciated if you could tell me how to do that!

  1. Create a new rich text field
  2. Give it a class
  3. Make sure that you do not connect it to a cms field
  4. create a link in the RTF and select that link from the navigator
  5. Once selected you should see a Nest selector inside of… option on the selector. Click on this.
  6. Style your link
  7. Apply this the class of the RTF to your RTF for your project. The content within will inherit the styling.

Note that you wouldn’t be able to select content and style it if you have dynamic content in the RTF.

I hope that helps.

Thank you so much for your help!

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