Client Unable to Access Editor

Hi Awesome Webflowers,

I’m currently experiencing an issue where a client is unable to access the editor using the following URL:

Share link:

I’d love to hear any possible solutions.


Here is my site Read-Only:
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hey @micahryanhtml

Thanks for posting about this. What errors are they seeing on their end? I went to the ?edit link and was able to see the login portal for the Editor:


If they are seeing a Missing authorization cookie error you can resolve that by following steps in this article.

If they are seeing something else, can you provide a bit more info? Browser/ version, console errors, and screenshots are very helpful :slight_smile:

​Thanks in advance, and I’m standing by for your reply.

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Thanks @Brando

The following screenshot are the errors that I am seeing in my console (Chrome Version 62.0.3202.94):

At the moment, I am still unable to access the editor.

Thanks for taking a look :blush:


My pleasure to help! I think I found the culprit.

Can you please try removing this bit of code? Then save, republish, and check if you can access the Editor.

​Thanks in advance and I’m standing by for your reply.


Thank you, @Brando!

That worked perfectly.

We’ll need to find another solution that plays well with Webflow.

Thanks again :blush:


My pleasure to help @micahryanhtml


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