Click one element when clicking another


Hi I have an idea that i think a lot of people would like!! But i need at bit of help… I realized that when you click any point in a soundcloud embed i will start playing, and pause when you click again… My idea was to link the embed to a lottie animation and hide the embed. This would allow one to make any kind of insane audioplayer in after effects and not have to code almost any thing… but and dont see an option to make a click on the embed when clicking on the animation… but the code should be really simple i guess, just one action… but what would the code look like?? use element id, or classes perhabs… do i make sense,??? or could webflow just a “click option” to all the other options under timed anymation???

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

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Interesting idea, please show later how it works

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