You might be able to adapt Timothy’s technique IF you can make your conveyor path a perfect circle. The dishes and the entire conveyor construction would always orient to the center of your circular path.
Yes! That’s what I hope to do.
You’d need to learn some JS, this was implemented using a CSS transform to rotate the element construction. You’ll find that here in the page body.
ohh, I see
Thank you!
I’ve asked Chatgpt for help and got this code:
document.querySelectorAll(‘.circle_item’).forEach(item => {
item.addEventListener(‘click’, () => {
item.scrollIntoView({ behavior: ‘smooth’, block: ‘center’, inline: ‘center’ });
// Add highlighting effect
document.querySelectorAll(‘.circle_item’).forEach(el => el.classList.remove(‘active’));
// Set variables
let circleParent = $(“.circle”);
let circleItem = $(“.circle_item”);
let itemLength = circleItem.length;
// 360 divided by number of items to calculate rotation per item
let rotateAmount = 360 / itemLength;
let previousIndex = 0;
let currentRotation = 0;
// Function to activate and center the clicked item
function makeItemActive(item) {
let itemIndex = item.index();
let difference = itemIndex - previousIndex;
let clockwiseRotation = (difference + itemLength) % itemLength;
let counterclockwiseRotation = (itemLength - difference) % itemLength;
let isClockwise = clockwiseRotation <= counterclockwiseRotation;
let amount = (isClockwise ? clockwiseRotation : -counterclockwiseRotation) * rotateAmount;
let total = currentRotation + amount;
// Rotate the parent container
circleParent.css(“transform”, rotate(${total * -1}deg)
// Center the selected item in the viewport
item[0].scrollIntoView({ behavior: ‘smooth’, block: ‘center’, inline: ‘center’ });
// Update rotation and index
previousIndex = itemIndex;
currentRotation = total;
// Initialize first item as active
// Set each item’s rotation angle
circleItem.each(function (index) {
let thisItem = $(this);
let childLink = $(this).find(“.circle_link”);
let itemRotation = rotateAmount * index;
// Rotate each item to align along the circle’s curve
$(this).css(“transform”, rotate(${itemRotation}deg)
// On click, activate and center this item
childLink.on(“click”, function () {
// Reveal the circle after rotations are set
circleParent.css(“opacity”, “1.0”);
// Scroll into view on item click with highlighting effect
document.querySelectorAll(‘.circle_item’).forEach(item => {
item.addEventListener(‘click’, () => {
// Remove the active class from all items, then add to clicked item
document.querySelectorAll(‘.circle_item’).forEach(el => el.classList.remove(‘active’));
I’m gonna mess around with the coding to see what I can do.