Hi folks. Wondering if anyone can help me replicate the following from an amazing site on the webflow designs section. (https://www.alexfisherdesign.ca/)
It’s the second section from the top. A kind of conveyor belt of images that continually scrolls across the page. At first I thought a simple slideshow with a little fine-tuning, but then realised I wasn’t able to show a lot of images on the page simultaneously. Although maybe with a little coding?
Then i started to think it may be the horizontal scrolling effect but amending the users ability to move off-center from the page, accompanied with interaction to make it scroll constantly? Maybe again some coding to make this continually loop?
Am I overcomplicating this? Any help would be incredible. I really need this to add a section on the below link to try to win my first bit of work. It would be perfect for displaying a lot of their seafood dishes.
Link to page with interaction: https://www.alexfisherdesign.ca/
If anyone has any improvements or noticeable things that need changed to this page as well, that would be amazing. New to this and a little nervous to send it across to try and win the work. Nearly finished so any tips and advice would be awesome!
Thanks so much!