Charming e-Commerce landing page template - Free for cloning and reuse

Hi everyone,

I made a site that doen’t seem to find it’s buyer, so I’m giving it to you guys. Feel free to clone it and use it as you like.

I haven’t done much testing so if you find any bugs please tell me and I’ll correct them when I have the time.

Images: The images are mainly wallpapers I found trough a Google search, so maybe don’t use those without verifying their copyright. The product pics I took from the manufacturers sites.


Nice work @bennyhagen that looks fantastic. :thumbsup:

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Nice site. Saw it before. Still I would be careful using these images… I heard and witnessed some bad stories involving a lot of money problems. :scream:

Well, they’re only placeholders and it’s a non-commercial project. So I don’t think there should be any problems with this.

Cool site! Keep up the good work!

hi do you have an email I can contact you at? thanks for the clone page

Nice work ! looks very clean.

You can find my contact details on my public profile.