Change Hyperlink Color in CMS Collection Page

All I want to do is change the color of one hyperlink so it doesn’t clash with the background design. Can’t figure it out for the life of me, and I’m not sure if it’s because of how our template has been set up or if it’s more systemic than that.
Here is my site read-only:

Hi there, Did anyone help you figure this out? I’m running into the same issue. I have black text blocks and my hyperlinks are black meaning that they disappear.

Hi Sophia, that’s a slightly different problem, and solving it depends on two things;

  • Whether this is plain text element or a rich text element
  • Whether the content is static or CMS-bound

You’ll need to post some screenshots and a readonly designer link in order to know the right solution for your situation.

These are plain text elements and are all the links that are against a black backdrop - both on pages and within CMS collection… screenshots are of an image caption and text block 2 within posts (CMS), and last image is the links on the privacy page.

I can’t find any black-on black links anywhere on the homepage link readonly you’ve sent. I’ve checked all breakpoints…

Did you fix it?

If not you may have sent the readonly link from the wrong page, I can’t tell what page your screenshots are from.

If you still want help, please also share a link directly to the published page so we can see the CSS styles affecting your links.

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 8.22.20 AM|618x500
It’s on the privacy page and within the CMS collection meaning every article that I post has black links. I’d like to use the text block 2 as a call to action and would like to be able to use links in all my posts in this box (and the images box) without the link disappearing. (see above photos) ( - I can’t share a readonly for the posts.

Changing the font is in the main settings but there’s no options for changing the colour of font or links. If I could change all the links to a bright colour throughout my website, I’m thinking it would fix my issue.

Here’s the privacy page readonly Webflow - Rocky Tales

On the ski page, it’s a rich text styling issue-
Here’s how to tell it to make your links there white.

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Hi! It worked - thank you sooo much. Had to google the shortcut to add the RTB element haha

It changed the colour of the link throughout the entire website. I had to add the RTB as an element on the privacy page.

Thanks for showing me how to create a readonly for the posts. Very helpful!

Learning curves, thanks again!

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Oh in the live designer, you’d just copy, paste, and unlink the temporary one. That way you can style it, but see your CMS-bound styles impacts in the “real” CMS-bound RTB element at the same time.

I just can’t copy-paste bound elements in the readonly view for some reason, So I have to create a new one.

For adding elements, the left side add element panel is what you want but I use Ctrl+K a lot now to add elements quickly.

Yes, lots to learn, and there are a lot of great features in there once you discover them.