I have a slider for testimonials on my site. The text is centered vertically within the section that houses the slider on all platforms except for vertical phone. Everything in my design settings seems right, and it even looks right in the Webflow designer (by “right”, I mean, centered. The padding is off, but on the phone it looks correct.). But when you pull it up on a phone, it’s noticeably closer to the bottom than the top. Any idea why this might be happening?
@cyberdave, thanks for the reply! The only problem I’m having with your approach is that once you do it that way, the second slide doesn’t appear. Try sliding through the testimonials to see what I mean.
@cyberdave, fantastic solution! I’m still running into something, though. Everything looks great in the Webflow designer, but when you look at it on a phone, it’s still off. Weird! Any insight on that?
Update: I think it’s just a Safari issue because it looks right in Chrome on mobile.