I’m trying to build a scroll based animation using cards, based on this on the Webflow website, How to Host with Webflow
Someone else did also start a thread on this before here, and I followed the instructions there.
But I can’t get the opacity / scale part of the animation to work to create the illusion of the cards stacking one on top of the other.
I’ve added the interaction to section 12, and then attempted to make Div Block 6, Slide 1 scale to 80% when we scroll 20% down section 12 but nothing is happening.
Can anybody see what I’m doing wrong?
Here is my public share link: [[LINK]](https://preview.webflow.com/preview/napier-films-website?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=napier-films-website&preview=7770eecec9adb90de81ff190f1e83356&pageId=5f9f3014d21fa8292ebc7fa0&mode=preview)
(how to access public share link)