Can't get multidimensional filtering with MixItUp 3 to work

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a projet that requires multi-dimensional filtering. I found and paid for the MixItUp plugin ( by @sabanna ) but I can’t get it to work.

I’ve been comparing my source code with the one on the demo Multifilter checkboxes but nothing seems to work.

Can anyone familiar with MixItUp help me please? :pray:

Here’s the read only link to my project
The published page is here : Nos réalisations | SVF


Hi @Nicolas_C!

Please, make sure that classnames that you are using on the page structure are the same that you added in the code snippet.

Right now this difference causing the error:

06%20PM 21%20PM

In the code from the tutorial I used the “underscore” and in the classname that you applied to the div there is a “dash”. It make those 2 are totally different classnames and plugin doesn’t work.

Change the classname either in the code or on the div and I think it should be fine. :+1:t3:


@sabanna It’s working now!! Thanks a lot for replying so fast! It saved my life :smiley:

Have a nice day

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