Can't delete CMS field that isn't bound to anything


I’m having some trouble deleting some CMS fields and I was wondering if anyone has ever faced this issue before and knew of ways on how to fix it.

Basically, I want to delete a CMS field from the collection settings page.

When I click to see connections, I don’t get any results.


If I check the network tab of the dev tools, I see that the response I receive actually has a page ID of a page that I’m supposedly using that field.

The issue is: Any time I try to go to the page that was in the response from the field-usage api call, (such as, I get a warning that that page no longer exists.


Has anyone found a way to stop having this issue and be able to delete their CMS fields?

Thank you!


Long story short: If you are having this issue, reach out to Webflow and they can fix things on their end. There’s nothing you can do as an user

Here are some useful excerpts from our email exchange:

I took a look at your project and I was able to delete the fields with no errors. (…) I did force a dependency refresh on your site. Would you kindly clear your cache/history and hard reset your browser and see if you can delete the field again?

Q: “Is there a way for me to perform that “dependency refresh” by myself in case I ever face the same issue once again?”

When binding items sometimes get attached to a deleted CMS field, you would have to contact us (Webflow) so we can take a look on the backend. So we can rule out if it is a bug or possibly another issue.

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hello jean

im thiago.

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