Can you help me find this interaction?

Hi there, I use this template to build my website and there’s some type of animation that occurs on the above the fold section where all the elements load in. It’s really slowing down the load time and messing up my page speed score and I wanna get rid of it, but I can’t find custom code or an interaction on any element!

Can someone please help me identify where this is coming from?

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)](Webflow - Farahilda Winters)

The animation slowing down your site is likely a page load interaction or a custom script. Check the “Interactions” panel in Webflow for any “Page Load” animations tied to the above-the-fold section and disable or delete them. Also, review Page Settings > Custom Code or Project Settings > Custom Code for any JavaScript causing the animation, and remove or comment it out. If you still can’t find it, use your browser’s developer tools to identify any performance delays related to animations. To share your site Read-Only link, click “Share” in Webflow Designer, enable “Share Read-Only Link,” and copy it.

Hi there,

Yes, I should’ve added that I’ve already checked those areas that you’ve mentioned.

I shared my read only link above although it formatted weird. I’m sharing it again here: Webflow - Farahilda Winters