"Buy Now" Button

How can we add this to existing sites (Buy Now buttons for Ecommerce are here | Webflow Features)?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi @jhiggins

to add Buy now to an existing project, you’ll need to re-add the entire Add to cart element.

Please let me know if you have additional questions!

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Thats speedy :webflow_heart:

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Hi Maciej,

On that same topic of the Buy now button. I am thinking of removing the “Add to Cart” button and leaving only the “Buy now” button (one product shop only). What happens if someone adds a certain amount of products and then changes his mind. Do you know if getting back to the product page and "Buy now"ing another amount will add to the existing amount or replace it?

Thank you!

Hi @Zuka

Buy now will clear all the items that were previously added to the cart:

  • if a store visitor started by adding some product to the cart, then decided to “buy now” another one, if they go back to the store page after a checkout, their cart will be empty
  • if they abandon their checkout and go back to the store page, the product they’ve attempted to “buy now” will now be the only item in the cart

Please let me know if you have additional questions!