I’m looking for some help regarding how a booking system works in webflow. Do you have any resources? Also how to achieve a design like this using webflow would help too.
There would be a degree of integration and API knowledge required, if you want to look into more advanced functionality vs a simple form submission and an auto-reply to confirm.
Thanks a lot. I would like to ask you what would be the best option for creating user account, login and registration. And do we need a backend with that to build a booking system? If so, what would be third party app for that?
That’s a tough question I wouldn’t really be able to give you a one size fits all answer.
It really depends on your use case and what actions you and your user need to take on the backend.
By using these integrations you’re really looking at having front end bookings that you can manage via the third parties backend/email.
If you’re looking to add a customer facing backend then Webflow would work brilliantly for designing and exporting the frontend but you’ll probably want to host it externally and build out the functionality for your backend separately.
Again this depends on you requirements so take a look at the features of the integrations and try and work out whether they’ll match your needs or not.