Background video looping, but there's a black background pause in between loops

I’m using a background video container that is meant to loop seamlessly, but once the video finishes one loop, there’s a black background for a few seconds (as if the video is buffering?) before it loops again.

  • Using default background video element from Webflow
  • Autoplay and looping are checked :white_check_mark:
  • Videos are mp4, and under ~5MB
  • There are multiple videos in the project
  • Only 3 of the videos are doing this (see screenshots)
  • All videos are 10 seconds and edited to loop (see all the other videos on the page)

I’m wondering if this could be because of the container size? or maybe its at its limit, so it’s slower — though I would have thought the videos that are in bigger containers would be the ones giving me a harder time.

Here is my site Read-Only: (Webflow - MindPalace)

It’s actually in the video- in this :30 clip, the black segment starts about :14.5

Wait, does Webflow reformat video so that it extends to 30 seconds? My original video is 10 seconds and loops perfectly: Dropbox

A good question, I don’t use Webflow for bg video often however it could be that there is a minimum loop length of 30 seconds. I can’t guess why that might be.

My first suspicion would be a glitch in the encoding process math, but glancing at your source video I don’t see anything obvious such as an unusual framerate that might trip it up.

You could host the videos elsewhere, I typically use Cloudflare R2, but an Amazon S3 bucket, or would work also, with zero recompression or modification of your videos. Vimeo pro is also popular among some designers for Webflow bg videos.

thanks for your help! I’m gunna try to extend my videos to 30 seconds and see if that works before I host the videos elsewhere.

You might also try just running your video through handbrake, and re-uploading it in case that fixes whatever issues the encoder is having.

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In case anyone comes across this solution: I fixed this issue by re-exporting my videos to the proper 1920x1080 size. The three videos that were going black were cropped and exported at the size of their containers (different sizes + ratios), and I think Webflow compressed them and added 20 seconds of black after I added it to the Background Video element.

Still, that one archway video (top left in the screenshots) is a portrait size (1080x826), so I’m not really sure what Webflow’s criteria is here.

I also wonder if it might be that I just published too soon after I replaced the video.

Anyway, hope that helps. Feel free to reach out if you need help troubleshooting!