If you look at the Home page - Blog Hero Section - Blog Heading Wrapper - thats where the setting is.
I would like to recreate this elsewhere below but the Position always gets selected when I upload a background image into a div or anything. Not sure how I managed to create the initial setting as you see in the pic.
On a side note - am also having trouble with interactions like hover on dynamic lists. Works only once.
Are you aware of this issue ? I had to create another method to overcome this by using hover on the element class itself instead of a trigger interaction on other element.
Haha yes that is tricky, it’s like a puzzle game, already bumped into it.
The thing is depending on what setting you have to begin with, the values, when changed, will take either % or px. So there is only one way to reproduce what you have in the first header.
You need to add the 100px value, but to have % above. So select the middle upper arrow, then add the down value, it will be set in px.
Thanks heaps. The reason for keeping it fixed was so I could use a slide trick on top of it. Which is only possible if the image is fixed. Else the image rolls up along with the section.