Announcing our first Community Update of 2021!

Join Webflow for our first Community Update of 2021 on April 14 @ 11a PT! We’ll have a live session with our CEO Vlad Magdalin and other leaders from the company where we will be covering features we’re working on, programs we’re developing, and where we can use your help and input.

Register today and submit your questions for the team and we may answer them during our live session! :grinning:


This is just awesome🤩


Registered and looking for it,
but have not get any notice yet.

on April 14 @ 11a PT


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hello, is there a way to watch the recording of this? Would be great. thanks

haha whoops. Thanks.

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did anyone found the recording already? dont see that message anymore on the forums?

nope I have just searched web and honestly I do not know why it takes too long to upload video. Usually streams are published in few hours. :wink:

yeah seams kinda weird, maybe the investors want to see it first to see if Vlad or anyone didnt promise anything they dont want to. :rofl:

I personally like surprises so I’m not interested what they said but I will watch it in December to see what has been from these promises done. :innocent:

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Hey everyone! The recording has been uploaded to the Webflow Community page :slight_smile:

Here’s a link to the video itself: