Anchor not functioning / disable scroll offset when fixed webflow

Hello all,

I am having trouble with my Sticky Navbar. I have a top navbar which I am not focusing on for this example, my issue lies with the side Nav bar that I wanted to use for two purposes, the two top links link between 2 separate pages. This is also fine :slight_smile: ----------

Now to the issue, underneith it I want to add anchor links that take me to different parts of the page. However, if you click on Competitive analysis it should jump to the Competitive analysis section, which it does, BUT it should at the top of the Viewport, not the bottom as it is now. How can I adjust it to be at the top?

Also, maybe this should be a seperate ticket, but can someone tell me how to offset the navbar from the rest of the page. currently I have the hero text covering the navbar which is not ideal. I was gonna adjust the padding but I was wondering if there is another workaround that is responsive.


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

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We had the same issue. You can solve it with offset/hidden divs or you can use custom code. I think the custom code is easier to maintain over time.